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HomeParenting0 to 6 MonthsDevelopment monitoring and positive parenting tips

Development monitoring and positive parenting tips

The first 6 months period is an important period where babies starting to have curiosity to learn things that are around them. During this stage, babies also developing bonds of love and trust with their parents and others as part of social and emotion development. The ways of interaction with their parent are one of a crucial that will set the basis for how they will interact with them and others.

Positive parenting tips

newborn-6 months

  • Parent bears the responsibility that can help your babies during this time. Speak and talk to your baby every day. She will find your voice calming.
  • Answer when your baby makes sounds by repeating the sounds and adding words. This will help him learn to use language. This can also increase infants’ self-esteem and confidence, always take a positive approach to your child’s learning process by praising your baby and give her lots of loving attention.
  • Observe and read your baby movement and signal. Communicate with her will help her develop and understand language and sounds to help him develop self-confidence and social growth.
  • Sing to your baby and play music by encouraging him develop the love for music and help his brain development.
  • Spend time cuddling and holding your baby. This will help him feel cared for and secure.
  • Besides that, take care of yourself physically, mentally, emotionally. Give your baby a positive vibe and carve a good image in front of your baby.

1year to 6 years

When they learn to speak and started walking, they will begin to learn and observe anything around them. They will try to contact with the things that they are curious enough, fell down when they are making mistake and doesn’t walk properly. They will learn to stand up again and learning from their mistakes. There are signs of stepping stones to become an independent person in the future. Hence parenting is important to help and guide our little ones during their growth especially when teaching and communicate with them.

  1. Set boundaries

Having boundaries in our relationship with our children is key to being successful in positive parenting. Having, and enforcing, boundaries allow us to remain patient and calm because we feel respected and that our needs in the relationship are being met.

A good way to know when you need to establish a new boundary us when you are feeling exasperated, impatient or angry by a recurring behaviour or situation. Do you dread dinner time because your child insists on sitting on your lap and you can’t eat? If so, establish a rule that everyone sits in their own chair for meals. You can snuggle after dinner. Set rules that for yourself and your child by learning that both children and parents need space for themselves and tolerate each other. You will be a better parent if your own need is being met and your child will see a wonderful example of how to advocate for their own needs in a relationship.

  1. Avoid shaming and excessive punishment

“Why can’t you listen? Why can’t you do this? Why can’t you be like other kid?” Sound familiar? This naturally has a negative impact on a child’s self-esteem, but it is also not effective because it reinforces a child’s identity as someone who behaves a certain way. If your child is always told they’re acting like a baby, they will absorb this and behave the way even more. If you refer to them as a bully, they will think of themselves that way and act accordingly. Try to comment on our child’s behaviour, letting them know when it’s inappropriate, without inducing feelings of shame. Teach them to learn from their mistakes by reflecting themselves what is wrong and what is right.

Punishing your child makes you the enemy and can often be confusing if the punishment is unrelated to the offense. Instead of punishment try natural consequences of their actions to unfold. For example, when your child ran out without wearing, the natural consequences is that they will injure their foot outside. They will be reflected upon themselves for having the consequences. Besides that, teach your children by logical thinking that the natural consequence will be heavily affected by their actions. In long term, they will learn to take the responsibility for themselves and the be independence for every action they made so that they can differentiate the right and wrong.

  1. Be you child role model

Children admire their parents the most and they will copy what we do. If we want them to be respectful to others, we have to be respectful towards them. If you want them to wait until you’re available instead of interruption you, wait until they get to a stopping point in their play before asking them to do something. Our action will be reflected on your child so that they will become more considerate and tolerate.

  1. Strive for empathy

If your children are always misbehaving just to make our lives harder. There is always a reason for misbehaviour though, whether it’s a s simple as a hungry or tired child, or more complicated like difficulties at school.

If you can understand the reason behind the misbehaviour, it will be so much easier to find empathy for your child and respond with kindness.  Your child loves you more than anything and wants to please you, there is always a reason if they are acting out. Try to speak to your child privately with heart to heart. Understand our child needs and what they are struggling, helping them by handling emotion to face their difficulty.

A law graduate who is passionate about education. Life is a game where there are uphills and downhills. Enjoy the process deeply and thoroughly, you will find out the bitter and sweet memories in your life which made you stronger and give you a wider view for the purpose of life.


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